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Thursday, the Supreme Court of California, in a 4-3 decision ruled that loving, committed gay and lesbian couples in California cannot be denied a civil marriage license. This made me start thinking about things in the US government that might change while my friends are gone for a year. I mean they are going to come back and we will have a new president (are you 2 absentee voting?) and God willing I hope it will be either a woman or an African American! I mean that is a huge deal, a turning point and milestone in "US" politics...Correct me if I'm wrong but women have been runnin' the UK for a long, long time but apparently the backward-minded, uneducated, close minded HONKEYS from the middle of this country can seem to grasp the concept of "equal rights" HELLO...wake up and smell the superiority of estrogen already. Ok Ok so maybe I went a little far in saying we are superior but we definitely are capable of running this country better than George W. Bush. So this news about California legalizing gay marriage comes but only 2 days before the 25th annual Long Beach Gay Pride Parade. So guess what I did this weekend, I attended the festivities along Ocean & Shoreline on Saturday and Sunday! To tell you the truth it wasn't as outrageous as I had expected. It was like the OC fair except all gay (minus the carni rides) You have the booths and the booze and the food and the music. And it was hot, like 90 degrees hot, ick. I do like people watching so there was a lot of that to be done there and I do love me some gay boys in tight designer boxer briefs, but only saw one pair of titties and I don't even think they were real. I did drink and get drunk, but I'm a sentimental drunk and on Sunday in the middle of hundreds of thousands of people surrounding me and not to mention the 5 other people I went with and was hanging out with, I felt an overwhelming feeling of loneliness. I I NEED, to be with some people who KNOW me. Who know my life history, who have been around me and accept me for all the good and bad qualities that I am. The friends that I don't have to explain myself to because they know what I am all about. It's a good thing I had sunglasses on cause I was crying in the middle of what should have been a happy, fun and gay occasion. HaHa I know, cheesy. So now the real question...can any of my friends piece together my thought process on my picture choice for this blog? I'll send a care package if you can read my mind!
So today for lunch me and the work peeps went to In-N-Out. As I wrote that I thought that my friends might actually be jealous that I had a yummy AMERICAN food, specifically a CA favorite, but alas I am indeed the one who is jealous of them for doing something so outside of their comfort zone. I am in admiration of both of their courage. But I digress, so was a beautiful day outside and as we were eating on the benches I glance over to a table across the way and lo and behold what do I see? A pretty but chubby twenty something year old girl wearing the exact "PRINCESS GRAD" t-shirt that Merle so graciously gave Vanessa for graduation and which cause Mom-Daughter WWIII!!!! What are the chances? I have never seen that shirt ever and BAM its right in front of me reminding me of my dear friend. Maybe she bought it at the garage sale we had when they moved? How odd would it have been if it was the SAME shirt! And even worse she was a chubby girl. Validating once again the princess theory. I know that this blog might make my friend Vanessa a little pissed off about the whole shirt issue but I hope she can look around that and see that the meaning of this blog was just how I see SO MANY reminders everyday of my friends being away. I am contemplating weather or not a break up of a relationship is harder than friends moving away, they have a lot of similarities. Also at lunch my friend Tom got a drink, naturally, and after he took a sip he said "man that's good" and I asked him what he got and he said..."half lemonade half iced tea" I said oh an Arnold Palmer. He had never heard of that! Can you believe that! Well that reminded me of the time my friends and I were in Japango and we were having the conversation about asians trying to pronounce ANROND PARMEL!!! lol These reminders everyday of the both of them are too often to be coincidental. I think its the world telling me to go visit them in Korea right away! Oh yeah and In Your Shoes is on TV tonight. We had an all day meeting today. We call it a "kick off" cause we are starting the Long Beach area for this know the drill, I've told you about work. Well they used to be exciting but they get worse every year. But this year there are the most confusing, over complicated new discount programs. I get it cause numbers and pricing for work come easily to me but these are gonna make no sense to my customers so how I am gonna make them understand these things, who knows, oh well. So after a loooooong day at work I come home and when I walk in the door, on the left, on the bookshelf, is the blue Hawaiian pic of us always greeting me to remind me of both of you and a fun fun vacation! It always makes me happier and is much cleaner than getting 2 dogs and naming them nessa and jewels. Ooooo sex and the city just came on...which reminds me that you bitches aren't gonna be here to see the movie with me on MAY 30th!!!! A big YAY and BOO at the same time. OK well now is my bedtime and I am extra tired tonight because I ACTUALLY got up at 7 am (to be on work on time) I haven't seen 7 am in a long long long time. GOODNIGHT KOREA!!!! (said like good morning Vietnam) OK I am de-lir-ious . has been too long since my first blog, I meant to do one everyday but I have come to realize that I just don't like typing (or my life is really boring). But today was a great day so far and I wanna talk about it. So I went kayaking last week with some friends from work and their friends and family, but I would say that I was the one who led the outing...I had decided that I want to kayak every Saturday. Last week was fun with all the friends but I was gonna go even if it was just me. So I did that today. I woke up and got ready and went kayaking by myself. It was really windy so it is a really good upper body workout. I went around Naples area twice and looked at all the boats and houses. I had never gone around there, it is much less crowded with boats and people, more of a serene place to think about life. I usually go to the jellyfish, last week there were hundreds of them big and tiny and I touched a lot of them, They say there will be more in the summertime so I can't wait to see it when there are thousands. Kayaking reminds me of good times with Vanessa and Julia going topless on the Duffy boat birthday extravaganza. I only went for and hour but I think that's a good enough time because I don't take any brakes, it is a constant hour of movin my arms! I asked the lady that works at the kayak rental how many miles are some of the areas I kayak. She said to the jelly fish and back is a mile and a half and around Naples is three quarters of a mile. I told here that I will see her every Saturday because it's my new routine, After that I laid on the beach for a little while watching all the kites in the air. There were a lot of them flyin along the sand. It made me think of the kite runner, I saw the movie with Vanessa and I knew about the book from when Julia was reading it. So as I was laying there I thought "well I did some upper body working out, how about my lower body?" So when I got home I dusted off the beach cruiser that Josh had given Vanessa and she had given to me, inflated the tires and went on a bike ride. I haven't done that in a while so I didn't know how far I would go, so I rode along 5th the Ximeno down to Colorado and had the brilliant idea to get me an artichoke from MA and PA's!!! Grabbed that up and thought "I wonder what Candace is doing?" so I rode along 3rd down to Redondo and checked to see if she was home to share my artichoke with! I interrupted her paper writing with a little break and then her cat was givin my nose the stuffies so I headed back home. Interestingly Josh texted me what's up and I said "hey what time do you get off of work I will come over and go swimming!" but he responded that he has the flu...bummer I really wanted to wash off this sand with some chorine. So now I am home and happy that I had a good day. I wish my friends could be with me, we would have had a good time. The weather is lovely here...I really do love Long Beach.